Home Automation Development
Integrated windows based touch screen control of lighting and audio visualTouch Screen Home Automation System main menu
Home automation control system written using html/css and compiled to chrome application using node.js. System uses Powerhome as the main home automation
server and achieves the same functionality as high end system such as Crestron only at many, many times cheaper. Uses <$120 Windows tablets for the interface and controls lights, music, AV equipment and much more.
Technolgies used:
Technolgies used:
- node.js
- Powerhome home automation control server and database
- Controls power, AV equipment over TCIP / Infra Red
Lighting Control
Music control through Logitech Squeezebox TCIP
Whole application running on a Samsung Fridge screen
V2 - Create web based Home Control System
Create home automation platform to run as a web based application to ensure compatibility across new and older hardware. Chosen technology was the Shelly brand of smart switches / HA equipment which runs an embedded web server on each of it’s devices which allows direct connection to it’s API through a local network and is not reliant on internet access. The whole application runs on a small form factor, local Apache / MySQL server. For music integration, Logitech Media Server also runs on this server and the client players can either be old school (and cheap!) Logitech Squeezeboxes or software emulators which can run on Android type devices such as the Amazon FireStick. All in all, a system as powerful as Crestron yet much, much cheaper.
Create home automation platform to run as a web based application to ensure compatibility across new and older hardware. Chosen technology was the Shelly brand of smart switches / HA equipment which runs an embedded web server on each of it’s devices which allows direct connection to it’s API through a local network and is not reliant on internet access. The whole application runs on a small form factor, local Apache / MySQL server. For music integration, Logitech Media Server also runs on this server and the client players can either be old school (and cheap!) Logitech Squeezeboxes or software emulators which can run on Android type devices such as the Amazon FireStick. All in all, a system as powerful as Crestron yet much, much cheaper.
Running on a cheap windows tablet
Running on a cheap 8 inch Android tablet
Music Control
Lighting Control
(c) 2022 Crawshay Gallery / Number 6 Consulting LLC, All rights reserved.
Phil Crawshay - Large Format Photographer ⦿ Music Producer ⦿ 3D Animator ⦿ Web Developer